These pages give some detail of the history of Carlton Cycles and the people associated with the Company.

Fred Hanstock Founder and owner of Carlton until 1939. A page of photos of Fred and his family.
Dan O’Donovan Owner of Carlton from 1939 until the Raleigh takeover in 1960.
Gerald O’Donovan Manager of Carlton from the Raleigh takeover until 1973.
Carlton factories Some photos of Carlton factories.
The Fire The Fire at Dock Road in August 1962
Inside the Carlton Factory Some photos taken inside the factory before it closed.
Carlton Special Projects Some of the specials originating from Gerald O’Donovan.
Cycle and Motor Cycle Show 1935 Show picture.
Reg Harris Pictures of Reg Harris’ Carlton track bike
Motorcycles Carlton and Hanstock Engineering motorcycles.
Closure Closure of the factory in 1981

Special thanks are due to:

Frederick R. Whiteley

A descendent of Fred Hanstock, founder of Carlton. Fred Whiteley supplied photos and information on Fred Hanstock and his family.

Simon O’Donovan

Descendant of the O’Donovan family, so much a part of Carlton history. Simon has supplied photos and information for the Dan and Gerald O’Donovan pages and more.